Screen time + baby = late to talk ??

Screen time + baby = late to talk ??

New evidence is emerging that young children who spend time on smartphone screens may be susceptible to expressive language delay.

And for adults, it can have a negative effect on sleep. Experts say, if you want a good night’s sleep, keep the phone out of reach and out of the bedroom.

Pick up a book instead!!

Our speech pathology and psychology clinic is located in Braddon, ACT, in Canberra’s CBD. Call us on 5117 4890 or email to get in touch.

In Positive Health, Canberra. Nel MacBean Speech Pathologist Canberra. Campbell MacBean Psychologist Canberra.

What is old is new again…

What is old is new again…

Many moons ago, phonics was used to teach spelling and reading decoding skills in schools. Not comprehension – that is a different skill. Decoding is sound-letter (phoneme-grapheme, to be more accurate) knowledge. It precedes comprehension.

Then it went out of fashion. Dropped like a lead balloon. Boring, apparently. Not exciting enough. Goodness. Don’t get me started on that one.

The ‘whole language approach’ became the new black.

Australian literacy standards fell. Below those of even Kazakhstan, apparently.

Now, like a pair of culottes that seem to be all the rage this winter fashion season (I’m not fond of them, myself…just saying…), phonics is back with a vengeance!

Yay! Or, more accurately….Phew!

Our speech pathology and psychology clinic is located in Braddon, ACT, in Canberra’s CBD. Call us on 5117 4890 or email to get in touch.

In Positive Health, Canberra. Nel MacBean Speech Pathologist Canberra. Campbell MacBean Psychologist Canberra.

Speech Sound Disorder

Speech Sound Disorder

“Speech Sound Disorder typically presents in early childhood, and involves difficulty hearing, understanding and producing sounds in speech.” The Age, 2017.

Children who have speech sound disorder are often difficult to understand when they talk, and, as a result, often become frustrated because they are not understood by parents and family.

Research has shown that parents are more accurate than preschool teachers in identifying their child’s speech difficulties.

And the take-home message? Don’t delay in seeking treatment.

“… if [a] child’s speech disorder goes under the radar in preschool and the early years of primary, it could change [the] child’s life forever. A neglected disorder could put the child at risk of falling behind academically, and developing long-term speech and language problems.”

Our speech pathology and psychology clinic is located in Braddon, ACT, in Canberra’s CBD. Call us on 5117 4890 or email to get in touch.

In Positive Health, Canberra. Nel MacBean Speech Pathologist Canberra. Campbell MacBean Psychologist Canberra.

Children prefer to read books, not screens….

Children prefer to read books, not screens….

And I thought I was the only one!

Do you prefer to read books on a screen, or in the old-fashioned way?

I much prefer to hold a lovely book in my hand and turn the pages, and it seems children do too, according to recent research.

The research “also found that the more devices a child had access to, the less they read in general….”

Interesting, huh?

With the advent of many school text-books now being accessed only on iPad, I wonder what impact on learning this will have….

Our speech pathology and psychology clinic is located in Braddon, ACT, in Canberra’s CBD. Call us on 5117 4890 or email to get in touch.

In Positive Health, Canberra. Nel MacBean Speech Pathologist Canberra. Campbell MacBean Psychologist Canberra.

Speech Pathology & Childhood Communication Problems

Speech Pathology & Childhood Communication Problems

This blog used to be a link to an interesting 5-minute podcast from ABC Radio WA about the importance of speech pathology in childhood communication problems, including spelling, reading and language. Unfortunately, the link has been removed. In this podcast, speech pathologist Dr Suze Leitao discussed the different causes and treatments of speech and language disorders. What a pity the link has disappeared!

“Learning to speak doesn’t always come easily, and early intervention is critical to a child’s development.” Dr Suze Leitao.

Our speech pathology and psychology clinic is located in Braddon, ACT, in Canberra’s CBD. Call us on 5117 4890 or email to get in touch.

In Positive Health, Canberra. Nel MacBean Speech Pathologist Canberra. Campbell MacBean Psychologist Canberra.